Sustainable Solo Travelling Benefits

Ike Malakian
May 20, 2023

Solo travel requires quick thinking and the ability to make quick decisions quickly on the fly, which are transferrable skills which can benefit in multiple career fields.

Travelers tend to choose less-than-instagrammable destinations as a means of lessening tourism's impact on the environment.

1. It gives you the freedom to set your own itinerary

Traveling solo allows you to tailor your trip according to your specific interests, whether that be outdoor excursions, beach days or cultural-focused activities - you can create an itinerary tailored specifically for yourself.

Solo travellers also have more freedom than travelling in groups to adjust their plans at will based on how they're feeling or any opportunities that present themselves, which cannot happen easily when everyone must coordinate schedules to make adjustments.

Control of your itinerary can be an incredible confidence builder. By becoming more independent and self-reliant, traveling will become less intimidating for you at home as well as on vacation. Controlling your own journey allows you to push your own limits, try new things, and discover more about yourself - an incredible journey indeed!

As when traveling alone, it's essential that when travelling solo you still plan ahead and research things like solo travel safety tips in order to make sure your trip runs as smoothly as possible and you are prepared for any unforeseen situations that might arise. Furthermore, keeping in touch with friends and family back home ensures they won't become distant while your traveling solo - don't fall into the "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" trap!

Being in control of your itinerary also helps with budgeting. By making decisions about where to stay, what meals to eat, and the amount spent, it will be much easier for you to avoid overspending and stay within your spending limits. Not having anyone push their own agenda on you makes staying within your limit much simpler! Plus it makes budgeting simpler when there isn't a travel buddy pushing them beyond it!

2. You’ll learn to trust your gut

Travel is about the people you meet along the way - be they fellow dormmates, friendly cab drivers or sketchy tour guides - who teach us to trust our gut instinct and evaluate strangers based on actions rather than words. Travelling solo allows you to develop this invaluable skill! We are often told to be wary of strangers; travelling teaches us not to fear all strangers as soon as we arrive somewhere new.

Traveling alone forces you to learn to trust yourself and rely on your intuition, which is an invaluable skill that's especially useful when travelling alone.

Over time, you'll gain the courage to trust your gut instinct and do what's best for you at any given time - a powerful confidence-booster both during your travels and back home. While this does not mean breaking off all ties with loved ones, but being confident enough to tell them your plans and keep them updated through social media or apps like 'Find My Friends' gives them peace of mind without forcing you into isolation on the trip itself.

sustainable solo travel
Over time, you'll gain the courage to trust your gut instinct and do what's best for you at any given time - a powerful confidence-booster both during your travels and back home.
sustainable solo travel
You’ll make new friends

3. You’ll meet heaps of people

One of the greatest advantages of travelling alone is meeting people. From locals to fellow travellers - many of whom may also be travelling solo! You may make friends from diverse backgrounds and cultures that will broaden your worldview and introduce you to fresh perspectives.

Staying at a hostel will allow you to attend events and socialize with other travellers, join organized tours for sightseeing adventures, volunteer or take part in work exchange programs that bring locals into the fold, and more!

Travelling solo also forces you to be more outgoing and approachable, something which can be hard when travelling with others. Being on your own makes it much simpler to talk with strangers and start up conversations; who knows, maybe even make friends for further travels!

Solo travel can be an amazing way to become more independent and build confidence, as well as challenge yourself and push boundaries - you may just discover new insights into yourself along the way!

4. You’ll get out of your comfort zone

Solo travel will put you out of your comfort zone, from navigating subway systems in new cities to choosing hiking spots; don't let this dissuade you! Stability is essential, but expanding beyond it can open up an amazing learning opportunity - adding strategic uncertainty can keep your brain stimulated! Don't be scared to venture off on an adventure alone and explore somewhere completely unfamiliar!

One great way to step outside your comfort zone and experience something new is by attending local events, like street festivals or sports competitions. Locals usually welcome visitors with open arms, providing you with an invaluable opportunity to learn about their culture while forging new relationships.

Local events offer another excellent way to meet fellow travellers and make new connections! People will likely engage with you more easily than with a tour group and this may lead to making new friendships!

Supporting local economies through tourism is another benefit of dining out; tourists contribute money directly into local economies while dining out can feed families throughout their day. Plus, if you prefer eating on-the-go with food trucks!


5. You’ll make new friends

Although solo travel may seem intimidating at first glance, solo adventures offer plenty of chances to meet like-minded travellers and make lasting friendships or travel partners for life. You will become more aware of your surroundings without fellow travellers distracting you, giving you greater chances to strike up conversations about local culture or activities with people interested in sharing similar interests - conversations which could potentially turn into lasting friendships or travel partners for life!

Looking for like-minded travel companions or simply making travel buddies? Group tours or Airbnb Experiences can be a great way to meet like-minded individuals with similar interests, while hostels or co-living spaces usually feature communal areas where travelers can mingle - these options may also be more eco-friendly as you won't require air conditioning during your stay!

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to travel is through walking or taking public transit alone - an option which makes visiting more destinations in a shorter amount of time than travelling with others would. Furthermore, this decreases your carbon footprint as less air travel or taxi rides will be necessary!

if you're travelling solo, learning some basic phrases of the local language will allow you to engage with those living there more readily and show that you are interested in their culture; this will make locals more likely to welcome you as part of their community. An online learning platform like Rosetta Stone may also help prepare before your journey.

sustainable solo travel
Solo travel will put you out of your comfort zone
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